Thinking About Joining us??

Whether you are a new or experienced bowler or just thinking about taking up the
game we would be pleased to hear from you. As an incentive we are able to offer three FREE bowling sessions with coaching instruction.
For further details please contact:
Richard Luscombe on 01278 782314 / 07434 972806 or email
Coaching is usually on Fridays at 10am.
Bowls truly is the sport for all regardless of age, sex or physical ability.
It provides gentle physical and mental exercise.
It is a very social game, both off and on the green.

Choosing a Bowl

The following is a useful guide. However,  the Club coaches are available to give advice and guidance in person. The Club has various bowls you may try.

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Etiquette (An Introduction)

1. Do always dress properly for all games (See Club etiquette).

2. Do always be on time for a game, if delayed get a message to the Captain of the day.

3. Do introduce yourself and shake hands with opponents at the start of the game.

4. Do at the start of, and during the game, hand you’re opposing lead the jack or mat as appropriate. You will usually find that this gesture is reciprocated.

5. Do stand still and quietly behind the mat when a player is about to bowl.

6. Do stand behind “the head” as a player is about to bowl from the far end.

7. Do keep to your own rink at all times.

8. Do compliment your opponent on a “good Bowl”

9. Do pay attention to the game. Don’t keep wondering off the rink.

10. Do acknowledge your skip’s instructions.

11. Do look at your bowl until it comes to rest.

12. Do make sure that when a “firm bowl” is to be played that you are well clear of any movement of the jack or bowls in “the head”.

13. Do praise and encourage your own team.

14. Do become conversant with the Laws and Rules of any competition that you have entered.

15. Do be a player that everyone enjoys having on the team.

16. Do when playing skip give positive indication of the distance and direction required to center the jack.

17. Do keep out of “the head” when No.3’s are deciding the number of shots (but be interested). Bowls should not be kicked in until the shot has been decided.


18. Do not walk along the bank when a player is about to bowl from the far end.

19. Do not stand in front of “back bowls”, rink markers or rink number plates and be prepared to move readily when you fail to succeed!

20. Do not criticise other players on the green.

21. Do not moan about a “lucky wick” –we all have our share.

22. Do not criticise the green – particularly when playing on an “away green”.

23. Do not stand on the verges.

24. Don’t delay the game.

25. Players should use the steps provided when going on or off the Green.

26. Bowls should not be dropped on the Green.

27. Matches, cigarette ends, etc., should be placed in the litter-tins and not in the Ditches.

28. Mobile Phones should not be used on or around the green.

29. At the end of the game shake hands with your opponent and be sociable.

30. Offer to buy your opponent a drink especially after “home” fixtures.

31. Always be humble in victory and generous in defeat.

32. Do not forget you cannot win them all and it’s only a game.

Knowledge of the above will make you a more respected bowler, keep things friendly and contribute towards the enjoyment of the game for everyone involved, both on and off the green.

World Bowls Rules  Click on the link below to read these

    →   Laws of the Sport