Category: Uncategorized
Electric Fence
2023 Presentation Lunch Photos are now showing in the Gallery.
If anyone has other photos they would like added or see any already added they would prefer to be removed please let Paula or Jim know.
Indoor Bowling
Team sheets are ready and can be collected from the clubhouse by those who have signed up to a league. The first of the matches start on Monday 25th September. Please can you collect your copy and check when you will be playing in your first and subsequent matches throughout the season.
Captains’ v. Presidents’ Match Saturday 23rd September
Please can players arrive by 1.30pm . The dress code for the match will be grey bottom half and’ anything goes’ on the top! Those who have said they can play will know who their captain is upon arrival.
Finals Results 2023
Members can now view results in the Competition area
Club Finals Day 1
New Date for Australian Pairs 13th August
The Australian Pairs match is now going to take place on Sunday 13th August. If you are interested please enter as soon as possible. We can use seven rinks, so up to 28 players could take part. Availability sheets are online and in the Clubhouse.
Australian Pairs
On Saturday 22nd July starting at 2pm members will compete in this fun game. The bar will be open for players, other members and friends.
If you are interested in joining the Club do pop in and have a chat or contact us via Facebook, phone or this Website. New members always welcome.