Category: Uncategorized

Club Gardens


We are hoping to form a gardening group to look after the flower and shrub borders surrounding the Green, so they can be enjoyed next season by all who enter the Club gates. 
10.30am on Tuesday, 21st November there will be a short meeting to look at the areas that need attention during the winter and spring. If you are able to do gardening such as weeding/shrub pruning and willing to give a little time please do come along or let us know of your interest.
If gardening really isn’t for you there are many other essential tasks that the Club relies on volunteers to do, be it bar duties, maintenance, green keeping or cleaning. All roles are important in helping the Club to function and keep membership costs affordable.
Please get in touch if there is a skill or interest you have and we can find a voluntary task to suit your availability!

Electric Fence

There is a temporary electric fence surrounding the outdoor green. This is in an effort to reduce further damage to the green by foxes. Warning signs are displayed on the fence, please do not ignore them.
 Members will have received an email, but it would be appreciated if you could pass the word around to those you know who do not use email or this Website.

2023 Presentation Lunch Photos are now showing in the Gallery.

If anyone has other photos they would like added or see any already added they would prefer to be removed please let Paula or Jim know.

Indoor Bowling

Team sheets are ready and can be collected from the clubhouse by those who have signed up to a league. The first of the matches start on Monday 25th September. Please can you collect your copy and check when you will be playing in your first and subsequent matches throughout the season.


Club Finals Day 1

Day 1 of the Club Finals went well. Spectators were able to enjoy excellent and competitive bowling. Congratulations are offered to Steve Calderon and Kevin Thompson (Men’s Open Pairs); Mary Brown (Ladies’ 3 Wood); Jim Bass (Gerald Horsey); Steve Calderon (Men’s 2 Wood) and Irene Trumper (Ladies’ 2 Wood).
The BBQ food was excellent, the bar well supported and a lovely day all around.
Day 2 commences at 10:30 am with the Men’s Handicap Singles. Food will be available from 11.30am and the raffle will be drawn mid-afternoon.

Australian Pairs

On Saturday 22nd July starting at 2pm members will compete in this fun game. The bar will be open for players, other members and friends.

If you are interested in joining the Club do pop in and have a chat or contact us via Facebook, phone or this Website. New members always welcome.